Monday, August 31, 2009


When you live an ethical life, and practice morality, you have begun a journey of self-discovery. You have graduated from being a “know-it-all” to being curious about life. Let me warn you right here. There will be many who will show up to lead you and many who you will allow to mislead you. What I shall share with you now will lay out the principles and practice the art of living to establish your own unique relationship with God.
I could introduce you to my brother and he may not be a brother to you. You and he will share your own unique relationship and you might name it as friendship or anything else. Similarly the principles and practice of Yoga take us closer to our divine nature. It helps us reach divinity in each subsequent breath.
An untrained mind, is an idle directionless chatterbox. Some sages have compared it to a monkey who is excited and distracted by every sight, sound, touch, smell and taste. It is constantly confused and disturbed.
Anyone who is clinically sane knows what he or she wants. You know what the truth is. But living in constant consciousness of this truth is challenging. For the mind moves where it wills.
Sage Patanjali gives us a step by step instruction on how to be continuously remain in divine consciousness.What you do or have is less important than who you are being where you are doing or having? e.g. you have a brand new car, as yourself who are you being? If you are being your name, gender, relation, marital status, occupation then you are just being that what you identified with you. You are so much more than who you think you are or know yourself to be.
We all desire to exist. Knowledge is our only defense against death. When you gain the knowledge that you are the soul and not your body. Your body will die, but not you, an immortal child of God, there is no one who can kill you, no man nor any disease. Mirabai the queen saint of India drank a bowl of poison as to her it was blessed water from her beloved Lord Krishna. The poison could not harm her when she was protected by the love of the Lord. Socrates drank a cup of poison knowing it was poison, where was fear? Where is death? Those who know truth, live in truth, and will always be in truth.
The scriptures speak of the omnipresence of God. Our true treasure of thoughts, words, deeds lies beyond us in these omniscient eyes. In every moment there is action, even inaction is an action.
You would not want to work with someone who was misrepresenting himself or over promising and under delivering. Similarly, always be aware of who you are being, and how good you are what you are doing and do your best, only as good as you can. Equipped with a beautiful body, powerful senses, restless mind, varying degrees of intelligence and a huge ego we are pretty helpless, when left to our own willings.
We identify with our mind, body, actions and emotions and cause havoc for ourselves and those around us. Key to healing, excellence and freedom is self-discipline.

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